The researchers of OpenAI realize that the objectives and goals of all AI software cannot be described by a simple external API or specification. To describe the field of AI appropriately we will divide AI into a set of disciplines. Each discipline will have a Level 2 or 3 specification that will describe that area better than the Level 1 specification. In this way we hope to cover the vast field of AI as best we can.
This document comprises the first item and will define the way in which a multitude of AI tools may be written so that a common API arises. This common API will allow applications which encapsulate the tools to share data between them and control them in the same manner.
The second item will be an Open Source reference implementation created by the developers involved in the OpenAI project to illustrate the effectiveness of the specification. Initially these libraries will consist of traditional AI tools. For example a Neural Network, Genetic Algorithm, Inference Engine and Mobile Agent System. However, as time progresses more advanced libraries, tools and algorithms will be developed.
Level 1 will provide a high level specification for all tools in AI. The goal is to create a set of descriptions that will allow a developer to provide an API that describes the tool he is developing to other AI tools aware of the specification. The specifications in this section will allow any piece of software to get basic information about the tool, it's version, the level of specification that it supports and a location to look for more information about the ontology and/or complete external API.
Communication between any module was previously required. However, this complicates the module unnecessarily by requiring a communications framework to be included. This item is now removed from the Level 1 specification and will be addressed by a suite of module-to-module interfaces within the reference implementation. This will preserve the orginal intent by allowing the modules to transfer data and control aspects of another modules operation. These abilities will manifest themselves through the use of the rest of this specification.
Last modified: Tue Jul 17 20:02:23 EDT 2001